Khai Hoan was co-founded in 2000 by two Vietnamese women, starting off with three employees in a rented, twelve square meter office. In twenty years, Khai Hoan has grown to encompass a workforce of two hundred employees, as well as a factory and showroom covering over fifteen thousand square meters.

We worked alongside well-known European designers and pottery experts, combining master’s craftsmanship in traditional Asian pottery with European designs and style. The result was a range of hand-made potteries that reflected not only Asian culture, but also Khai Hoan’s unique branding. Though Khai Hoan initially targeted the European market, its products’ versatility – both aesthetically and functionally – has allowed us to serve tens of thousands of households across the globe.

Khai Hoan is proud of its signature fibre cement pottery, which is light weight and environmental. Not only is the dependency of scarce, environmentally-unfriendly materials reduced, the elimination of the kiln-burning process both decreases processing time and pollution.